Empower your Mind &
embrace your mojo

Stoptober! Are you ready to quit & get your smoke free mojo?

Stoptober is a 28 day stop smoking challenge that takes place in the UK every October. It is based on research that shows if you can stop smoking for 28 days then you’re five times more likely to stop smoking for good.


This is what science says about the 28 day rule;


Embedding new habits in the brain typically takes around four weeks due to the way our brains adapt and rewire themselves. Habits are formed through a process called neuroplasticity, which involves the creation and strengthening of neural pathways in the brain.

When we engage in a new behaviour consistently over time, the brain begins to establish connections between the associated neurons. Initially, these connections are weak but with repetition and reinforcement, the neural pathways become more robust and efficient.

The four-week timeframe is an approximation based on research and observations of habit formation. It is usually referred to as “28-day rule.”

Repeating new behaviour consistently over this timeframe allows the brain to strengthen the connections associated with the new habit, making it easier and more automatic to perform. This process involves the reinforcement of synaptic connections, effectively rewiring the brain to support the new habit.


So there it is, it’s not just made up so that October gets a snappy title, there is science behind it!


There can be many reasons for wanting to be free of the habit of smoking, they could be:


The average pack of cigarettes costs around £14 in the UK, for a person who smokes a pack per day, this costs £420 per month or £5040 per year.  Just think of that benefit to your bank balance!


With the ever-changing British weather, it’s often not a pleasant experience to stand outside in a smokers shelter when all your mates are having a great time in the pub!


NHS data suggests that by quitting smoking, you reduce your risk of heart disease, stroke and a whole range of cancers as well as giving yourself a better quality of life.  Within days of quitting, your body begins to improve lung function and your sense of taste and smell will improve. Within a year, your risk factors for a lot of serious health conditions drops significantly.



How can Hypnotherapy really help me?


If you have the desire to quit the habit, Mind and Mojo can help you to make it happen.  For less than the cost of 1 month of cigarettes (your 20 a day habit) we can help you to retrain your mind and forge those new pathways to break the smoking habit for good.

After a detailed introductory session where we can identify exactly what affects you the most, we can tailor sessions to your personal needs.

We can be that supportive friend in your corner, providing you with support all the way. You may say, “I smoke because I get stressed and it helps me deal with it” but we can help you learn relaxation techniques when things feel tough.  You will soon realise, it’s just a habit and you can take back control.


Hypnotherapy is just like having a guided day dream, and day dreaming is something we all do at times, but the great thing about Hypnotherapy is that while you are so relaxed in your day dream, we can talk to your subconscious mind to break that habit!  The quit smoking programme helps you to overcome the triggers, builds your confidence and bolsters your willpower.


Just imagine that future you, feeling more confident and in control, embracing that smoke free mojo


If you want to join the Stoptober movement and would like to learn more, contact us for a free no obligation chat and we can help you to achieve your smoke free goal



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